Our Service Technicians are the best of the best. They are factory trained and certified, providing extensive knowledge on all things Taylor of Oklahoma. We decided it was about time we asked them for advice. We interviewed almost every one of our techs asking them what their best advice is to a customer owning Taylor equipment, and here is what they said…
“CLEAN YOUR MACHINE!” Almost every service technician made a comment towards the cleanliness of your machines. When you clean your machine, it is practically guaranteed to have a much longer life with less downtime - allowing you to serve more product along the way. “If you follow the proper cleaning procedures and keep the mix filled to the proper level, your unit would function well.” Don’t forget, the cleaner your machine is, the less likely you’ll have to call in service - saving you money both in the short and long term.
“If your ice cream product is not at the proper amount in the hopper, milk stone buildup can become almost impossible to clean, so make sure you are vigilant in your cleaning process.” It’s easy to remember to fill your hopper with more product when it runs low, but did you know it is equally important not to overfill it? We advise that you keep your product at the appropriate level at all times. Milk stone buildup is a prevalent issue with these machines. Take care of them!
“Customer needs to make sure that the voltage, currents, and phases of the unit are at the proper levels indicated on the manual.” Even if your electrician says your voltage is right, always remember Taylor machines are different. Oftentimes, voltage currencies can change over time in your store. Always be aware of the voltage you are feeding your machine!
“If a customer could explain the issue they are having in-depth as each problem arises, we will be better informed and able to diagnose the issue in a shorter amount of time.” If we are able to diagnose the issue more quickly, we can fix your machine quicker and sometimes even troubleshoot over the phone before we send out service. Troubleshooting is completely free of charge as we try to help you fix your unit over the phone.
“TurboCharge classes are important! We have very little participation, even though it is a free event we will gladly put on at our office. If you need lessons on how to use your machine, come into our shop! It will help you avoid distractions and be able to stay hands-on within a low-stress environment.” TurboCharge classes are a great tool we provide for our customers. We want to teach you and your staff all about your machine - for free!